Every Wednesday morning and Thursday night, we gather together for a little friendly scramble competition. On Wednesdays, area seniors are placed into teams of three, four, or five and sent out starting at 9:00 am. Golfers can share barbecues and chips together for lunch, and enjoy the camaraderie and fellowship. There are usually around 30-40 seniors who play each week. Cost is $5 per golfer (plus greens fees)
On Thursday nights, players of all ages and skills are placed into teams of five and sent out shotgun (each hole has at least one team starting there) at 5:45 p.m. SHARP! Golfers should register by 2:00 p.m. on Thursday to ensure your spot !
A fun weekly 9-hole tournament for only $10 (plus greens fees), the Thursday Night Scramble offers opportunities to win money for:
• lowest overall team score,
• team skins (lowest score on each hole),
• individual longest putt,
• individual longest drive,
• and individual closest to the pin.
The Thursday Night Scramble costs only $10 (plus greens fees) to enter, and sign-in is required by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday. It draws golfers from around the area -- usually supporting 70 or more golfers each week -- making it one of the most popular scrambles in Kandiyohi County. Call (320) 967-GOLF for information about either of our fun and competitive scrambles and tournaments, or for tee times.